Release Notes 09/30/2020
Highlights of what’s new
Caveat: When changes are made to restricted access objects or if new restricted access objects are added, you may not have access rights to view or use these objects. So, if you do not see these changes, they are there for those who can see them.
UCPath Employment Daily - Universe changes
- We have added and changed some list of values (LOV’s) which are those handy lists that help you choose filter options when refreshing reports. The goal is to provide a more consistent and convenient user experience with the use of customized LOV’s whenever possible.
- Updated LOV’s include:
- SBE Jobcode LOV now includes Jobcode Description
- Added PS Class Desc Short to the custom LOV "PS CLASS IND". This will give the restricted list of values and added "PS Class Desc Short" LOV
- Also added a custom LOV for the PS Class Desc Short object
- Added a custom LOV to PD HR Dept Id and PD HR Dept Desc
- Added a new object for "PS Pos Filled Extended" in the Position Details folder. This version differs from the PS Pos Filled Ind by checking the Job record to look for other “unfilled” conditions like HR Empl Status of terminated, retired, or deceased or a Current Record indicator value of N.
- In the Employee Personal (Restricted Access) folder, new objects were added to provide access to Security Clearance data. These are restricted access objects that not all users may access.
- In the Employee Benefits (Restricted Access) folder, new objects were added to provide access to Absence Mgmt objects. These objects provide details of any number of leave types. This includes Service Months, Vacation and Sick balances, and activity available for an “As of Date”.
- In the Employee Benefits (Restricted Access) folder, new objects were added to provide access to UC Hours Accrual objects. These objects provide details of accrual hours. This includes objects added to access the Career Limit data, which includes details for a number of different accruals besides career limit.