Release Notes 09/01/2020
UCPath All Employees - Unit Roster & UCPath - DOPE
The latest release of the UCPath corporate reports, including the *NEW* UCPath My Grant Activity - FY report, and the related universes incorporate a number of formatting and calculation changes to the reports based on direct feedback from a team of key end-users who committed the time to review the latest changes and comment on the presentation. With several rounds of feedback-and-fix we were able to bring the latest changes to the user community with much more certainty and utility. Many thanks to the reviewers for their time and feedback!
Highlights of what’s new:
UCPath My Grant Activity (ITD & FY) Report Changes
- Job FTE - This has been added to provide additional clarity.
- Pct of Pay - This is a new calculation that divides the “Expense” amount by the “Base Comp Monthly or Hourly” value. It will only be calculated for Path transactions that have a Base Comp Monthly or Hourly value (a Path measure) and not for those that have an hourly (“H”) Rate Type.
- FTE Adjusted Comp Rate - This is the FTE adjusted monthly compensation amount from the job record.
- Base Comp Monthly or Hourly - This is the Non-FTE adjusted annual compensation divided by a number based on how frequently the employee gets paid. The resulting value will represent a monthly base payroll amount. The UCGCY rate code, which is based on an annual agreement, is calculated separately and applies only to earnings code NNC.
- Add'l. Info. 2 - This column was added to display additional Doc Code information for when the “Empl ID or Doc Code” & “Additional Information” columns did not provide it.
UCPath All Employees-Unit Roster Report Changes
- Added CruzID and Email to flat file report tab.
UCPath - DOPE Report Changes
Removed extra “ ‘ “ in the Job Description field for the “Salary and Benefit Expenses By Employee” & “Salary and Benefit Expenses By Employee only” tabs (Finite version only).
UCPath Employment Daily - Universe
Position / Grade / Ranges join correction
Correction to joins for objects in Position / Grade / Ranges folder. These objects were being overstated in certain cases due to incomplete join strategy. This issue has been corrected by adjusting the joins to return only the grade values for the specific position. The grade ranges now will be correct for a position when values are stored. This includes all of the PSG MIN/MID/MAX rates for all time periods.
New object for employee City Name
Added a new object in Employee Address for “EA City - Upper” as a result of discussions surrounding identifying employees in surrounding cities during the CZU Lighting fires. This object makes it easier to search the CITY name by changing the name to a standard UPPER case format.
Note: This change is contained in a Restricted access folder so not all users will see these objects.
Below is the reason for this new object based on the different values in employee addresses.
New UC Gender designation objects
There are new employee gender designation objects that are based on information collected directly from the employee as to the
Note: This change is contained in a Restricted access folder so not all users will see these objects.
Salary Benefits Details script updated
There are several computations in the Salary and Benefits derived table which look at Comp Frequency values in order to annualize compensation to provide a common method for this calculation. The example below shows the new UC_11 code implemented to impact the BASE_COMPARATE_MONTHLY value:
As always when there is a change in the Salary and Benefits script the changes are included in both the UCPath Employment Daily universe and the FINITE universe in order to keep the scripts in sync.
Paycheck Details (Restricted Access objects)
New tables and new objects were added to Employment Daily to expose some detailed data to identify in certain cases time sliced data for employees spent per day or project. This level of detail is collected in the R_PAY_CHECK, R_PAY_EARNINGS, R_PAY_OTGH_EARNS, R_UC_SHFT_ONC_ERN tables.
Note: This change is contained in a Restricted access folder so not all users will see these objects.