Release Notes 05/04/2022
Highlights of what’s new
This release includes the certified ‘UCPath - Terminations’ and ‘UCPath - Terminations - Restricted’; replacing the uncertified ‘UCPath - Separations’ and ‘UCPath - Separations - RESTRICTED’ reports.
Changes to Infoview Report Categories
- The UCPath - Separations / Restricted, reports have been renamed and moved from the Non-Certified Drafts category
- The UCPath Terminations and UCPath - Terminations RESTRICTED reports can be found in the new category ‘UCPath Employment Daily -> Termination or Leave’
Changes to Infoview Reports
- Purpose pages have been updated with UCPath terminology, additional details and cautions.
- Flat File / Summary tabs have been added to both report
- The column ‘Last Day Worked’ has been added to both reports
- Report queries now differentiate between “Full Terminations” and terminations where an employee currently has at least one active job record
- Drill filters added
- Various QOL changes