Financial Operating Reports

Certified Corporate Reports (What are Corporate Reports?)

Financial Operating has four categories of corporate report:

An anonymized PDF sample is linked to each report name.

Balance Sheet

Report Name Description Status

 Balance Sheet Detail FZRSRVO

This general ledger report provides cumulative totals for prior months of the fiscal year and detailed transaction information for the selected fiscal month/period.  This report is intended for Balance Sheet account codes only.  


Fund Balance Summary - FZRSFND

This report shows the year-to-date totals of budgetary, financial, and encumbrance transactions summarized by pool budget account for each organization in each fund.  Funds are grouped by fund type within the fund balance account they close to.

This report is intended for central office use.

Data from this report is further summarized in FZREFND which shows the balances in each organization without the pool budget account detail.


Chart of Accounts

Report Name Description Status

Account Hierarchy

Current List of FIS Banner data entry Account Codes and their hierarchies


ADFS Gift Designation for FIS Fund Codes

This report provides designation information that meets the criteria of the report parameters that are set when the report is run.


Fund Hierarchy

Current List of FIS Banner data entry Fund codes and their hierarchies.


Org Hierarchy

Current List of FIS Banner data entry Organization codes and their hierarchies.

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Fiscal Year

Report Name Description Status

Encumbrance Liquidation FZRPOEL

This report mimics the FIS Banner FZRPOEL report. It is intended for use in designating which open encumbrances liens or purchase orders should be liquidated or closed in the campus financial information system.


Financial Transactions - FY

Fiscal year-to-date report provides detailed financial transaction information as well as various summaries. Benefit account codes are rolled together to reduce space. Encumbrances are rolled together to show current balance of encumbrance only. The report is designed to give accurate balances for non-revenue and revenue FOAPALS, except revenue for grant funds is excluded.


Fiscal Close Summary

Fiscal year-to-date summary designed specifically as a tool during fiscal close, but can be used at any time during the fiscal year.


Fiscal Overview

Fiscal year-to-date summary by Fund/Org or Fund/Org/Activity. Contains two sections: (1) financial summary by Account Code Level 1 and (2) list of employee's cumulative salary/benefits expenses/encumbrances.


 Fund Summary - FZRSFND

This report shows the year-to-date totals of budgetary, financial, and encumbrance transactions summarized by pool budget account for each organization in each fund.  Funds are grouped by fund type within the fund balance account they close to.

This report is intended for central office use.

Data from this report is further summarized in FZREFND which shows the balances in each organization without the pool budget account detail.


Monthly Carryforward-FY

This fiscal year-to-date report contains carry-forward totals up to the beginning of a chosen fiscal period and then detailed transactions thereafter. It contains both detail and summary formats.


My Grant Activity-FY

This fiscal year report is for Principal Investigators' use in tracking their fiscal year based grant funds. The report provides summary totals prior to a specified date and then detailed transactions since that date.


Summary Org Balance with Projections

Fiscal year-to-date summary report of total budget, expenses, encumbrances and balance, but includes a separate section for projected expenses. The projections are simply the (non-payroll) expenses-to-date prorated for the rest of the year. It assumes rate of spending will be similar (a.k.a. burn rate projection).

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Inception To Date

Report Name Description Status

Encumbrance Liquidation FZRPOEL

This report mimics the FIS Banner FZRPOEL report. It is intended for use in designating which open encumbrances liens or purchase orders should be liquidated or closed in the campus financial information system.


 Extramural Fund Review - ITD

Due to the nature of their analysis, reconciliation and reporting, Extramural Fund Accountants have distinct needs beyond the general campus Research Accountant. This inception-to-date report mimics the FIS Banner FZRAITD, FZRDITD2, and FZRSITD reports. It provides detailed financial transaction information as well as various financial summaries customized for EMF Accounting.


Financial Transactions - ITD

Inception-to-date report provides detailed financial transaction information as well as various summaries. Benefit account codes are rolled together to reduce space. Encumbrances are rolled together to show current balance of encumbrance only. The report is designed to give accurate balances for non-revenue and revenue FOAPALS, except revenue for grant funds is excluded.


My Grant Activity-ITD

This inception-to-date report is for Principal Investigators' use in tracking their contract or grant funds, but it can be used with other types of funds too. The Report provides summary totals prior to a specified date and then detailed transactions since that date.

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Report Name Description Status


This report mimics the front page of the official Distribution of Payroll Expense Report. It is not intended to replace the official campus report that is distributed on a monthly basis by CATS.


Payroll by Employee-FY

Salary expenses and projected encumbrances for a fiscal year, sorted by Org Code, Fund Code, Activity Code, then Employee Name.


Payroll by Employee-ITD

Inception-to-date salary expenses and projected encumbrances sorted by Org Code, Fund Code, Activity Code, then Employee Name.


Payroll Matrix-Expenses by Month

Payroll expenses sorted by FOAPAL by month for each employee. Vacation accrual and earnings are included in cumulative benefits expense.


Salary Savings as TOF form

Salary and benefit expenses from START and SRF in the Transfer of Funds format.


START and SRF Salary Savings

This payroll report is for tracking and projecting salary savings resulting from employee participation in the START (Reduced Time) program or the SRF (Salary Reduction and Furlough) program within a date range you specify.


Transfer of Payroll Expense Mass Transfers

This document is intended to aid in preparing requests to transfer payroll expense. This particular version is for mass transfers (transferring multiple consecutive rows of payroll expense).


Transfer of Payroll Expense Single Transfer by Empl ID

This document is intended to aid in preparing requests to transfer payroll expense. This particular version is for single transfers (transferring individual rows of payroll expense) for an employee.


Transfer of Payroll Expense Single Transfer by Org-Fund

This document is intended to aid in preparing requests to transfer payroll expense. This particular version is for single transfers (transferring individual rows of payroll expense) in an Org-Fund combination.

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