Instruction & Course Review Universes

Universe Description

The Instruction Universe contains course enrollment count and student credit hours information attributed to the instructor(s) according to their rank (job title) and teaching role in the course (primary, secondary, supervisory). This information is intended for use in analyzing instructional workload and instructional activity.  The Course Review Universe has information about enrollment and credit hours for instructors.

The Instruction universe contains information used to assign instructional workload credit to faculty. The universe consists of PPS data as well as 3rd week census data from AIS.

Features and Limitations

Enrollment and student credit hours for each course section are attributed/split according to the instructor(s) role as follows:

  • Primary role - enrollment and student credit hours are split by the number of Primary instructors

  • Supervisory role - enrollment and student credit hours are split by the number of Secondary instructors (not the Supervisor)
  • Secondary role - for non-credit sections that only have Secondary instructors, enrollment is split by the number of Secondary instructors
  • Non-UCSC instructors - enrollment and student credit hours are not split

Section counts are attributed/split the same as enrollment and student credit hours, but they are further split by the number of subject-course-section combinations in a cross-listed course.

The following types of information are not available in this universe:

  • Identity of students enrolled in courses
  • End of term enrollment
  • Room utilization and contact hours

Data Loads

  • Data loads twice quarterly (3rd Week and End of Term) from the Academic Information System (AIS)
  • Data loads from the Payroll Personnel System (PPS)

Access Levels

  • General Access - Read-only
  • General Access - Report-writer

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