PPS Reports
Certified Corporate Reports (What are Corporate Reports?)
PPS has seven categories of corporate report:
- Employee Count or Headcount
- Employee Status
- OPTRS Rosters Audit
- Personnel Action
- Salary or Payment
- Salary Reduction and Furlough
- Separation or Leave
An anonymized PDF sample is linked to each report name.
Employee Count or Headcount
Statistical information only
Report Name | Description | Status |
This report lists all UC System-Wide job title codes as well as those that are currently used by UCSC. The job titles are grouped according to the Class Title Outline, a UC-specific hierarchy. Title code counts and FTE are included to demonstrate use patterns -- this report should be be construed as an official report of employee counts nor FTE for budgeting purposes. |
Certified | |
This document provides headcounts and budgeted FTEs of staff employees who had an active appointment in PPS during a month you specify. The data will give you general knowledge about the population you select. You can view campus-wide data or specific groups of staff employees. |
Certified | |
This statistical report counts Teaching Assistants based on salary paid for pay periods within a range of dates that you specify. |
Certified |
Employee Status
Report Name | Description | Status |
This report indicates which employees have an appointment that does not have an associated distribution. The report is for potential data entry clean-up purposes. |
Certified | |
This document provides a list of employees who have active appointments that end on or before a date selected by the user. It is intended to help identify appointments that may need action taken to extend them. For a more detailed report see "All Employees-Extension Roster or End Date Report-Daily" |
Certified | |
This report indicates whether an individual is currently an active UCSC employee and includes appointment begin and end dates to establish expected duration of employment. Department information is included to help confirm an individual's identity and affiliation on campus. |
Certified | |
This report lists all distributions and their associated appointments for employees with any distributions ending on or before the date specified by the user. The purpose of this report is to alert Service Centers to ending appointments and/or distributions in case action is necessary, while also providing information about possible reappointments and/or future distributions. |
Certified | |
This report lists inactive employees who do not have any appointments and is intended for use in identifying employees who may need to be separated. Employee Name, EID, Employment Status, most recent Hire Date and Student Status are listed for each employee. |
Certified |
OPTRS Rosters Audit
Report Name | Description | Status |
This report lists employees in the following titles: Teaching Assistant, Teaching Fellow, Associate In __, and Course Assistant (payroll title Non-Student Tutor). |
Certified | |
This report lists all appointment distributions associated with academic job tittles for a specified month and pay cycle (e.g. august 2011 MO). |
Certified | |
This report lists all employees with more than one time reporting method displayed in PPS via time codes. It is intended to assist employees who process and review payroll with locating and reporting time. The report can be run by Cost Center or Appointment Department (or both or neither) as needed. |
Certified | |
This report lists all employees with more than one time reporting method displayed in PPS via time codes. It is intended to assist employees who process and review payroll with locating and reporting time. The report can be run by Cost Center or Appointment Department (or both or neither) as needed. |
Certified |
Personnel Action
Report Name | Description | Status |
This report indicates which employees have an appointment that does not have an associated distribution. The report is for potential data entry clean-up purposes. |
Certified | |
All Employees-Current Appointment and Distribution Lookup-Daily |
This report lists all current appointments and distributions for an employee. It searches for the employee based on their name. |
Certified |
All Employees-Current Dept Appointments and Distributions-Daily |
This report lists all current appointments and distributions for all employees in a unit, defined by org code, org level 3, org level 4 or appt dist dept. |
Certified |
This report lists all distributions and their associated appointments for employees with any distributions or appointments ending on or before the date specified by the user. |
Certified | |
This report is intended to assist Timekeepers in filling out TRW forms for the MA or MO pay cycle. |
Certified | |
This report is intended to assist Timekeepers in filling out TRW forms for the MA or MO pay cycle. |
Certified | |
This report lists information about active employees hired or rehired between chosen dates. The employee's appointment type, TUC, home department, service center, full accounting unit, distribution %, and org level information are available. |
Certified | |
This report lists inactive employees who do not have any appointments and is intended for use in identifying employees who may need to be separated. Employee Name, EID, Employment Status, most recent Hire Date and Student Status are listed for each employee. |
Certified | |
This report lists current employee distributions for all employees in a unit. When running this report, unit can be defined by org code, org level 3, org level 4, appt dist dept, or home dept. |
Certified | |
Staff-Promotion and Demotion and Reclassification by Effective Date-Monthly-RESTRICTED |
This report contains campus-wide counts of staff employees who have been promoted, demoted or reclassified over a period of time your select. Optionally, a list of employees can be displayed for distribution service centers you select. |
Certified |
Salary or Payment
Report Name | Description | Status |
This report mimics the front page of the official Distribution of Payroll Expense Report. It is not intended to replace the official campus report that is distributed on a monthly basis by CATS. |
Certified | |
This Payroll report is a snapshot salary and benefit expenses for each employee paid in the time period designated from the report prompt. Although it mimics the official campus Distribution of Payroll Expense report (the "DOPE") with regards to layout and content, it is not considered the official report. |
Certified | |
Fiscal Year payroll expenses/encumbrances sorted by FOAPAL then person. |
Certified | |
Inception-to-date payroll expenses/encumbrances sorted by FOAPAL then person. |
Certified | |
Payroll expenses sorted by FOAPAL by month for each employee. Vacation accrual and earnings are included in cumulative benefits expense. |
Certified | |
This report compares the amounts employees are to be paid (PPS Distribution) against the amount the were actually paid (DOPE Salary Expense) for a given month, and computes the differences in amounts. Information is displayed in list format by FIS Org, Fund and Activity - also known as PPS Account, Fund, and Project respectively. |
Certified | |
This document provides summary statistics (headcount, minimum, average and maximum salary rates) for incumbents of a specified payroll title code in a specified month. |
Certified | |
All Employees-Transfer of Payroll Expense Mass Transfers-Monthly |
This document is intended to aid in preparing requests to transfer payroll expense. This particular version is for mass transfers (transferring multiple consecutive rows of payroll expense). |
Certified |
All Employees-Transfer of Payroll Expense Single Transfer by Empl ID-Monthly |
This document is intended to aid in preparing requests to transfer payroll expense. This particular version is for single transfers (transferring individual rows of payroll expense) for an employee. |
Certified |
This report is designed to help unit managers track work-study balances for their student employees. The report has two parts: a complete listing of work-study students employed by the unit, and a list of those employees who have $200 or less remaining in their current work-study allocation. |
Certified |
Salary Reduction and Furlough
Report Name | Description | Status |
Salary and benefit expenses from START and SRF in the Transfer of Funds format. |
Certified | |
This payroll report is for tracking and projecting salary savings resulting from employee participation in the START (Reduced Time) program or the SRF (Salary Reduction and Furlough) program within a date range you specify. |
Certified |
Separation or Leave
Report Name | Description | Status |
This document provides a list of employees who have active appointments that end on or before a date selected by the user. It is intended to help identify appointments that may need action taken to extend them. For a more detailed report see "All Employees-Extension Roster or End Date Report-Daily" |
Certified | |
List of employees on Leave of Absence as of a specific date. |
Certified | |
List of employees on Leave of Absence as of a specific date, including type of leave (sensitive information for Central Office use only). |
Certified | |
This report lists campus career staff who have separated employment. Based on the separation date recorded in PPS, it pulls career and partial-year career staff separations for a period of time you specify. |
Certified | |
Staff-Career Staff Separations by Effective Date-Monthly-RESTRICTED |
This report lists campus career staff who have separated employment. Based on the separation date recorded in PPS, it pulls career and partial-year career staff separations for a period of time you specify. This report contains sensitive information -- please follow appropriate distribution methods. |
Certified |