Report Samples

Certified Corporate Reports (What are Corporate Reports?)

The Advancement universe has a small group of reports of general interest.

An anonymized PDF sample is linked to each report name. 

Advancement Reports

Report Name Description Status
Department Giving Report ZGRDEPT This report provides pledge plus outright gift totals by department and gift activity center for a user-defined time period (based on gift date). Revocable Planned Gifts are included and broken out and subtotaled separately. Department and Division totals are provided.


Gift Activity Center Pledge and Outright Gift Totals ZDRGACT This report provides pledge plus outright gift totals by gift activity center for a designated time period. It also shows pledge plus outright gift totals by gift activity center for the two prior fiscal years (optional).
Revocable Planned Gifts are included and broken out and subtotaled separately.
Giving by Range _ZGRUCC3 This report provides total giving by giving level and fiscal year. Certified
Membership Counts and Income by Promotion ZARANL2 This report provides membership counts and income totals by membership promotion code for
a user-specified dues date range
Membership Dues Income Report ZARANL1 This report compares monthly membership dues income within a range of fiscal years. Certified