Instruction Content Description

Data Sets/Classes Defined

Course Sections:
General information about course sections, such as subject, course number, section number, class activity, attributed enrollment, attributed student credit hours, status of SCiiPI edit cycle, etc.

Section cross-listed with: The subject, course number and section number that a given section is cross-listed with.

Course Activity TIE: Specific Instructional Activity groupings required when UCSC Instructional Research and Policy Studies office reports information to UCOP.

Subject Department:
The academic department and division associated with a subject code of a course section. This hierarchy is maintained with SCiiPI.

Information about the instructor(s) of a course section, including their identity, teaching role, rank (derived from job title), payroll FTE and instruction percent.

Instructor Department:
As required for instructional activity reporting, for ladder rank faculty and security of employment instructors, instructor department is the person's PPS appointment department(s), for all other instructors instructor department is the subject department.

Annualized Dept FTE:
Student FTE is attributed to "instructor departments" for students in courses that meet the following qualifying criteria:

  • Credit-bearing course in Fall, Winter or Spring in all subjects except PHYE (Physical Education)
  • Credit-bearing course in Summer only in subject EDUC (Education)
  • Excluding self-support programs (currently only Network Engineering)
  • Excluding student level GDD
The Annualized Student FTE for each "instructor department" is pre-calculated as follows:
  • Student levels FR, SO, JR, GCR = total Student Credit Hours/45
  • Student levels GM, GD = total Student Credit Hours/36
  • Student level GDA = count of 1 for each registered student attributed to their major department (regardless of course enrollment

Object Definitions:  Definitions of each object in each class can be found in the Instruction Universe data dictionary.