AIS Report Samples
Certified Corporate Reports (What are Corporate Reports?)
AIS-Daily has four categories of corporate report:
- Student Lists
- Enrollment and Academic Progress
- Course Enrollment History and Class Schedule
- Graduation Processing and Degrees
An anonymized PDF sample is linked to each report name.
Student Lists
Report Name | Description | Status |
This report lists students abroad in an Education Abroad Program in a given term including their current plan(s) and placeholder course title (which includes country). |
Certified | |
GRAD Applicants by Status |
This report counts graduate applicants by program and status for a prompted admit term and lists graduate applicants with application and admission details, such as program, plan, subplan, program action, program reason, decline reason, contact information, etc. This is now used only for Historical Graduate Application |
Certified |
This report lists undergraduate students who are admitted and active or pre-matriculate status for a prompted admit term and displays a variety of information, such as admin type, last school attended, SIR date, academic plan, etc. |
Certified | |
This report lists students who declared any plan, or a plan specified at the prompt, on or after a prompted date and are currently active or on leave in the career for which the plan was declared. The tab Student List – Single Plan includes student contact information, declare row details, and counts students who declared in the prompted plan during the date range, and students who declared in the prompted plan during the date range who are still in the prompted plan. The tab Student List – All Plans includes student contact information, declare row details, and counts students who declared in any plan during the date range. |
Certified | |
This report lists undergraduate students who have been readmitted for a given term(s) for a College. |
Certified | |
This report lists current students who are active in a program in the prompted term, with a column to display whether they have the service indicator that indicates they are paid/eligible for services. Information includes the students’ current name and contact information. |
Certified | |
This report lists all students who are term activated in the prompted term or who are currently on leave. |
Certified | |
This report lists students who have a program action of LEAV, a program action of DISC, or a program action of DATA with an action reason that is shared with DISC, with an effective date that falls within a prompted range of dates. |
Certified | |
This report lists students who have an RLOA program action during the date range entered at the prompt. |
Certified | |
This report counts and lists students activated in a given term(s), including their program, plan(s), college and some person and status information. |
Certified | |
UGRD Admissions by College |
This report lists undergraduate applicants who were admitted and have an Active status for a prompted admit term and displays their current college affiliation as well as information, such as admit type, last school attended, certain test scores, mailing address, etc. |
Non-Certified DRAFT |
Enrollment and Academic Progress
Report Name | Description | Status |
The AAR (Academic Advisement Report) is calculated in AIS periodically (at least once per term) to determine whether or not students have met major and minor requirements. |
Certified | |
This report lists term activated undergraduate students for a prompted term, who have not withdrawn from that term, and their academic standing for every term in their career to-date. |
Certified | |
This report lists all students currently active in a prompted academic plan and whether or not they have taken up to eight courses entered at the prompts. |
Certified | |
This report lists students who received Dean’s honors in a term. The lists are displayed by prompted college or department. Students who have indicated ‘do not release information’ and have not authorized release to honors lists are excluded from the lists. |
Certified | |
Dropped from Course for Failed Prereqs |
This report lists all students who were dropped from a class because they failed prerequisites in a prompted term and have not re-enrolled in the class. Information about the class and the students' current academic plan(s) are included. |
Non-Certified DRAFT |
This report lists class enrollment requests and actions for a student(s) in a term(s). |
Certified | |
This report lists students by term who are/were enrolled in credit-bearing classes and includes their classes, official grade, current plans, GPA, level, and units. |
Certified | |
Student Grades and GPA in Subjects or Courses |
This report lists students and their grades and GPAs each term for every course they have taken to-date that mean the prompt perameters. |
Non-Certified DRAFT |
This report lists undergraduate transfer students who were admitted in a prompted term and displays "other credit" for those students. This includes equivalent courses (e.g., transferred in courses) and prerequisites satisfied (by those courses). |
Certified |
Course Enrollment History and Class Schedule
Report Name | Description | Status |
This report replicates the information displayed on the AIS class roster page for the classes specified in the prompts. For each class it lists the enrolled students as well as information about the class. |
Certified | |
This report includes class schedule information for one or more terms. It includes class characteristics (meeting pattern, instructor, level, etc.) and enrollment totals. |
Certified | |
This report lists courses by term with class enrollment status including enrollment total, minimum/maximum/average, classroom size, and wait list totals. |
Certified | |
This report lists courses and the last term, if that last term was prior to or equal to a prompted term. It includes instructors, enrollment totals, and maximum wait list totals for each class in that last term. |
Certified | |
This report lists instructors, grade counts and grade percentages by term and class for terms and courses specified at the prompts. |
Certified | |
This report lists classes taught by a given instructor in or after fall 1999, based on an Emplid or name entered at a prompt. |
Certified | |
This report lists classes, by instructor, that are have blank, Z, or DG student grade notations in a term or range of terms. |
Certified | |
This report pulls all students enrolled or wait listed in a given course ID and class type (enrollment vs. non-enrollment). It contains class information and student enrollment status. |
Certified | |
This report lists courses with a wait list count that is greater than 0, in or across the term(s) prompted. |
Certified |
Graduation Processing and Degrees
Report Name | Description | Status |
This report lists students who have earned Cumulative Units at a prompted amount or higher, have a prompted degree checkout status or have a prompted expected graduation term, to be used by colleges when preparing for commencement. |
Certified | |
This report contains information about students who have the prompted expected graduation term(s), degree checkout status(es), and plan. |
Certified | |
This report lists students who have earned Cumulative Units at a prompted amount or higher, have a prompted degree checkout status or have a prompted expected graduation term, as some indicators of readiness for graduation. Please note that other factors for predicting readiness exist (e.g., Degree Audit completion statuses) but are not included. |
Certified | |
This report lists undergraduate students who were denied graduation for a prompted term. Information includes the reason for denial as well as program, plan, and concentration. |
Certified | |
This report lists undergraduate students who have a prompted expected graduation term and degree checkout status. Information includes their current college, plan(s) and department graduation checklist codes. |
Certified | |
This report lists students who received University honors upon graduation. The lists are displayed by prompted college or department. Students who have indicated ‘do not release information’ and have not authorized release to honors lists are excluded from the publishable list. |
Certified |