UCPath Reports
Certified Corporate Reports ( What are Corporate Reports?)
UCPath has several categories of corporate report:
An anonymized PDF sample is linked to each report name.
Employee Status
Statistical information only
Report Name | Description | Status |
UCPath - All Employees Unit Roster |
This report lists current active employee jobs for all employees in a unit. When running this report unit can be defined by Org code (at any level) or Department. The report is intended to assist unit managers with tracking their current employees' status, bargaining unit, pay rates, end dates and funding entry. |
Certified |
The Unfilled Positions report is used to identify unfilled positions that are funded or unfunded, as of |
Certified | |
This report provides headcounts and job FTE (Full Time Equivalency) of employees who had an active job in UCPath on the user provided date. Only active jobs as of the input date are included in the count. |
Certified |
Salary and Benefits Expense
Report Name | Description | Status |
UCPath - DOPE |
The UCPath - DOPE (Distribution of Payroll Expense) report provides a detail of salary and benefit epenses charged to the campus general ledger after payroll computes. This report includes the total salary and benefit expenses to units in detail for the time period being reported; including any transactions originating from adjustments prepared in UCPath; and transfer of payroll expense. |
Certified |
The UCPath - Earnings report provides earnings details for both salary and hourly employees, separated into three tabs. For salaried employees there are two tabs, regular earnings and non-regular earnings. For hourly employees there is a tab that includes both regular and non-regular earnings. Examples of “Non-Regular Earnings” include overtime, vacation or stipend (Earn Codes: OT, VAC, STP) |
Certified | |
The UCPath Additional Pay report provides a detail of any additional pay that employees may receive.This report only reflects recurring additional payments that are active at the time it is refreshed. Once processed through payroll these payments will be reflected on the DOPE report, specified by the Earn Code. The intended audiences for this report include, Budget Analyst, Unit Heads and Research Accountants. Examples of additional pay include stipends for temporarily assuming additional responsibilities, meal reimbursements or certification pay. |
Termination or Leave
Report Name | Description | Status |
This report of terminations requires a range to be entered, and will pull only records in that time frame. The report includes both 'Full Terminations' where an employee has no active jobs and is no longer an employee of UC Santa Cruz (SCCMP Business Unit), and job Terminations of employees who currently have active job records and are still considered employees of UC Santa Cruz. |
Certified | |
This report of terminations includes 'Reason Code and 'Reason Description', which are considered restricted data. The report requires a range to be entered, and will pull only records in that time frame. The report includes both 'Full Terminations' where an employee has no active jobs and is no longer an employee of UC Santa Cruz (SCCMP Business Unit), and job Terminations of employees who currently have active job records and are still considered employees of UC Santa Cruz. |
Certified |