Student Universe Content Description
Data Sets/Classes Defined -- Student
Demographic (collected at third week and end of term - Fall, Winter and Spring 1989 through 2000 and then Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer through most recent quarter)
Personal Information about the Student (Caution: FERPA requirements)
Declared Major
College Affiliation
Registration Status
Enrollment (collected at third week and end of term - Fall, Winter and Spring 1989 through 2000 and then Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer through most recent quarter)
Course Schedule
Course Enrollment
Grades/Transcript (unofficial)
Degree (compiled after term ends, but collected on an annual basis for now - Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer 1985 through end of last academic year)
Degree earned
Student Tuition and Fee payments
Financial Aid
Applicant Data (from annual admissions process)
Enrollment Data prior to 3rd week or between 3rd week and end of term
Grade or other updates after end of term
Object Definitions
Definitions of each object in each class can be found in the Student universe (PDF) Data Dictionary