Budget Universe Content Description
Data Sets/Classes Defined
Operating Budget (Beginning with Fiscal Year 1999):
This class contains summarized financial operating information from FMW (its source is FIS Banner), excluding C&G funds. Includes separate objects for Carryforward, Permanent Budget, Budget Adjustments (TOFs), Total Budget, Actuals (expenses & revenue), Encumbrances, and Forecasts.
Monthly Actuals: For those interested in integrating month-by-month Actuals data, this sub-class contains individual objects for each month of the fiscal year.
Monthly Forecasts: For those interested in incorporating data month-by-month Forecasting data, this sub-class contains individual forecast objects for each month of the fiscal year.
Permanent Budget Summary (beginning with Budget Year 1999):
This class contains permanent budget and FTE summarized information. For those interested, additional objects exist for performing three-year comparisons.
Permanent Budget Journal Entry (beginning with Budget Year 1999):
This class contains detailed information about posted and pending journals that have been entered in FMW, including amounts, descriptions, line numbers, user ID, etc.
Provisions (beginning with Budget Year 2002):
This class contains detailed information about open provisions in FMW, including provision number, description, title, bargaining code, amounts, FTE, etc.
Provision Transaction History (beginning with Budget Year 2002):
This class contains detail information about provisions, including additions, modification and deletions. It mimics the "Tx" functionality within FMW.
Staffing PPS Details (beginning with Budget Year 2002):
This class contains detailed appointment and distribution information from FMW (it's source is PPS) for permanently funded positions, including title, bargaining, next salary review date, salary rate, FTE, etc.
Staffing List Recon Summary (beginning with Budget Year 2002):
This class contains summarized information for comparing/reconciling staffing commitments recorded in the permanent budget and in PPS , including FTE, salary amounts, provisions, etc. as well as any variance between them.
Staffing List Recon Details (beginning with Budget Year 2002):
This class contains detailed information for comparing/reconciling staffing commitments recorded in the permanent budget and in PPS, including all items in the summary class plus title, bargaining, descriptions, etc.
PPS Details: Additional appointment and distribution information about permanently funded positions.
Provision Details: Additional detailed information about open provisions.
Budget Journal: Additional detailed information about permanent budget journal entries.
Hierarchical Classes:
In addition to the classes noted above, a series of hierarchical classes exist for conducting analysis at various chart of account or job title levels. In some cases, these hierarchies may also be used as a common element when linking data in the Budget universe with another universe.
Account Hierarchy: The hierarchical structure for the data entry Account Code, including titles and Account Code Pool (a.k.a Budget Pool), from FIS Banner.
Activity Hierarchy: Although not truly a hierarchy, this class contains additional criteria regarding Activity Codes from FIS Banner, including titles.
Class Title Outline: The hierarchical UCOP grouping structure for the Payroll Title Code.
Fund Hierarchy: The hierarchical structure for the data entry Fund Code and title, from FIS Banner, including custom groupings for FMW.
Org Hierarchy: The hierarchical structure for Organization Code, including titles, from FIS Banner.
Program Hierarchy: Although not truly a hierarchy, this class contains the Program Code information for those who desire to use it.
Service Center: Although not truly a hierarchy, this class contains information about the Service Center Code, assigned to each Org Code by FIS Banner for information distribution purposes.
Job Titles: Although not truly a hierarchy, this class contains information about the payroll Title Codes, including a link to the Class Title Outline.
Object Definitions:
Definitions of each object in each class can be found in the Budget universe Data Dictionary.